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Saturday, February 21, 2009

I have cysts in my stomach...

Have come across with the word cysts? Sure kan...Cysts can cause u endometriosis..What is endometriosis??? Endometriosis is......................sila google sendiri ye..hehe..nanti klu aku citer pun, sama gak ngan apa yg googgle explain..Apa yg I nak bg tau kat sini, td i pergi jumpa doc lps buat amal kat umt (menyibuk je sbnrnya)...Dah lama niat dihati ni nak g check doc sbb everymonth mmg suffer giler ngan period pain..then td baru ada chance g klinik..

The doc said that I have cyts...mula2 terkejut gak...Cysts!!!Can cysts lead to fibroid or even worst?? Mintak dijauhkan..OMG..But luckily, syukur alhamdulillah, doc said cysts is not considered as a fibroid, and the cysts that i have just a very minor one..Bila pikir2 balik, no wonder lah I've been suuffered a very severe pelvic pain everymonth bila period...Then i jugak terpikir, if I ni dikategorikan as minor, then how about yg major??Yg dikategorikan teruk??Mesti suffer giler kan...X leh bayang mcm mana.. Yg I rasa tiap2 bulan ni pun dah cukup menyeksakan...

Scanning image of the cysts...yg doc tanda bulat2 tu...Sbnrnya aku x paham aka x nampak apa2 pun..bg aku nampak sama je...aku just angguk2 je..hehe

Bila doc ckp, yg cysts I ni just biasa2 je..I tarik nafas lega...SYukur...Then the doc gave me Pil hormones in order to get rid of those cysts..Dgn izin Allah, dr ckp cysts akan hilang dgn consume pil hormones. I have to consume everyday continuosly for about 4 months. 2 tablets averyday..Gosh...Jgn skip even one day..adeh la...kena disiplin..

The best part regarding my scanning image 2, doc ckp my ovari, uterus and my pundi kencing terletak ngan cantiknya..and also she said telur2 I terletak ngan molek..wakakaka...lawak je ayat doc tuh...apa2 pun syukur...

But, yg x best nyer..i heard that pil hormones can gain body weight...ADEHHHH...bersusah payah aku reduce weight ni...x kan kerana pil hormones ni badan akan naik balik...Arrghhh..aku x percaya semua ni...Yg aku percaya pil hormones can increase our appetite...not because of the pil hormone itself yg akan gain lemak dlm badan...So, if regarding appetite, so dont ever forget the word dicipline..To me, it's all about dicipline on how we control ourselves towards food..I believe in myself..I believe HERBALIFE..chewahhh...

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